
Pantanal Tour Guide

In fact, the company was created by Rizardo de Souza e Silva and his wife Delma Silva. Rizardo is a highly-experienced naturalistic Pantanal tour guide, by the way, he guides your Pantanal tour photography. Born in 1979 in Rondonia. A brazilian state in the north area of the coutry in the middle of the amazon. However, Silva moved to Cuiabá in 1987 still as a child. Straightaway, he went to school. Finaly, he graduated from the Technical School of Mato Grosso, with a degree in tourism and guiding. Forthwith, Silva started working, as an event organizer, for the Mato Grosso State Tourism board. After that, Silva started guiding european and american tourists in the Pantanal.  

Explicitly, he fell in love with the beauty of this amazing Biome. Moreover, Silva guided full time in English at one of the most sophisticated lodges of the Pantanal. All in all, In 2002, Rizardo Silva immersed himself in an intensive German language course at the Institute for International Communication in the University of Düsseldorf, Germany. Besides, Silva started an intensive French language studies at the French Institute in Düsseldorf. In addition to that, he traveled to many other countries. Altogether, he spent 4 years doing his studies in Europe. Consequently, with all his travels and languages, Silva surely is the most international and well-travelled of the many outstanding naturalist guides in Pantanal.

Pantanal tour guide.

In 2007, Silva came back to Brazil and began forthwith, as a Pantanal tour guide, taking tourists in Pantanal. Previously, he guided only in english. This time, due to languages studies, he began guiding, not only in german, but also, in french. Silva led naturalistic tours in English, German, and French for the finest, most professional ecotour operators in the Pantanal. On the whole, in 2014, Silva together with his wife and, created the tour agency in Cuiabá. The two of them run this family business to the present days.

Pantanal tour guide
pantanal tour guide
Pantanal tour guide

Delma de Almeida Neiva e Silva, was born in january, 27th, 1977, in the city of Trindade in the Federal State of Goiás in Brazil. As a small child she moved with her Parents and her two sisters to the Capital of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá. There, she went to school and finished her high school in 1995 in a state public school. After that, she begin her studies of business administration and graduated in 2001 in the University of Cuiabá. Besides her studies, Delma has worked and gained experience as a hairdresser. After she finished her studies, she opened her own hairdresser salon in a busy avenue of her neighborhood and ran the business until 2011.

In 2010 Delma and Rizardo met and began together a tour operator called Nobretur turismo operating tours to Pantanal, Chapada dos Guimarães and Nobres.

The wedding.

In september, 14th, 2013 they got married and in 2014 during the world cup in Brazil, Delma Silva together with her husband started together the Silva Tour Pantanal. Operating succesfully wildlife and jaguar tours in the Pantanal.

Nowadays, Delma administrates the agency, organizing the whole business. Delma´s hobbie is to go hiking and birdwatching in nature. She´s improving her english and dreams to become a Pantanal tour guide one day.

Silva Pantanal tour guide team

Pantanal tour guide

Arnold Egli, He was born in december, 03rd,1956 in the canton of Bern. He finished his school and training in the canton of Aargau. Arnold graduated machine mechanic and he has worked for many years in the machine mechanic indurtry in the canton of Thurgau. After the divorce in 2000, Arnold married a brazilian woman in 2003 and moved with her to Brazil in 2007. There, they  bought a small farm and lived for a while in the north of the brazilian state of Mato Grosso. Unfortunately, his wife died in 2009.

As fate wanted, In 2012, Arnold sold the farm and moved to Poconé where he met a german manager of a tour company who invited him to work as a Pantanal tour guide. Immediately, he fell in love with this proffession right from the begining. Nowadays, he keeps guiding many tourists from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Arnold loves his job and does it with heart and many pleasure. Arnold is specialized in Pantanal tour photography.

Pantanal tour guide

Pantanal tour guide

Vilma de Quadros, she was born in january, 04th, 1954 in the city of Itapiranga in the brazilian state of Santa Cararina in the south of the country. Vilma graduated her high school in 1968 in a public municipal school where she was born. After that, she made a nursing course and she worked as a nurse in the municipal hospital of Itapiranga until 1976.

In 1977, Vilma moved with her family to Cuiabá. Firstly, she worked as an executive secretary at the Industrial district businessmen association until  1982. After that, she started to manage a own unit of the SESI, providing social work for the workers of the Industry until 1997. Finally, in 1998 she made a course of tour guide e began working as a free lancer pantanal tour guide, for a german tour operator. Vilma speaks fluent german and is currently working with us. Almost at the end of her career, she is doing what she loves the most.

English and french

Juan Paulo Silva da Cruz, he was born in february, 24th, 1978 in Cuiabá, the capital of the state of Mato Grosso. Juan grew up and went to school in Cuiabá. He learned not only english but also french with his belgium stepfather Roger Remi van der Stock. During his teens, juan worked in a boat flotel with Roger and he gained a lot of experience in the tourism industry. 

All in all, Juan went to the federal tecnical school of Mato Grosso, where he finished in 1997, his high school with a degree in Tourism business. On this ocasion, he got his certificate as a Pantanal tour guide. registered by Embratur. After that, Juan Cruz, started working as a free lancer for the best tour agencies in Cuiabá. He is definitely one of the most experient guides in Pantanal. Juan Paulo is specialized in Pantanal tour photography.

Pantanal tour guide

Herley Rodrigues Pinheiro, is a legitimate pantaneiro, he was born in october, 04th, 1971 in the municipality of Dom Aquino in the state of Mato Grosso. As a small child his parents moved to Cuiabá, the capital of the state where he went to school. Herley graduated his high school in a municipal school of Cuiabá. Besides his school, he made a course of painter. Moreover, Herley made a course of automobile electrician and he worked as an electrician until 2001.

In 2002, Herley went to the United States to work as a painter. There, he learned english and gained many experiences living abroad. In 2006, Herley come back to Brazil and kept working as an eletrician until 2010 when he come to visit the Pantanal working as a translator. He learned by doing lots of the english names of the animals and in 2018 Herley made a Pantanal tour guide couse and he became an official tour guide licensed by Embratur. Herley is specialized in Pantanal tour photography.


We are a registered tour agency, specialized in Pantanal tour photography. Certificated by the brazilian ministery of tourism. You can also check our reviews and photos on tripadvisor under